The American Alpine Club is a grassroots, non-profit organization whose vision is a united community of competent climbers and healthy climbing landscapes. Since its founding in 1902, the American Alpine Club has been a force in helping safeguard mountain and climbing landscapes. The planet's mountains don't just provide endless inspiration to climbers-- they sustain communities and livelihoods and supply fresh water to billions of people. The impacts of a changing climate on alpine ecosystems and societies grow more evident every day. The AAC is committed to taking action on climate change through: advocating for smart climate policy and clean, renewable energy; educating and engaging climbers on the issues; and developing research on climate impacts to recreation-based communities.
In addition to its climate work, the AAC provides conservation and research grants; hosts climbing festivals and events; publishes two of the most sought-after climbing annuals; manages a lodging network for climbers; and cares for the world’s leading climbing library and mountaineering museum. All of us at the AAC find great joy and meaning in climbing, and we are committed to a thriving outdoor community sustained by healthy climbing landscapes for generations to come. Learn more at